Cycle of Erosion

Concept of Geomorphic Cycle:

         The concept of cycle was first postulated by Scottish geologist James Hutton in 1785. He propounded the concept of " Cyclic nature of Earth history" and "No Restige of a beginning, no prospect of an end". Later the concept of Cyclic nature of Earth history was transformed into concept of "uniformitarianism" which stated that "present is the key to the past".

         Davis presented his concept of Cycle of erosion which was concerned evolution of land forms in humid temperate areas, but later it was applied to all Geomorphic process like arid cycle, marine cycle, glacial cycle etc. W. Penk accepted the basic concepts of Cycle of erosion but rejected Davisian model of geographic cycle.
            CH Crickmay also suggested modification in Davis model and described as the primary process than Davis peneplanation. According to Crickmay "end product would be a panplain instead of peneplain.
             We know, the largest task of endogenetic forces is to create irregularities on the surface of the Earth by volcanism, mountains building etc. As soon as these end forms are exposed on the surface, the various process of weathering start working on them. Soon, these are weathered and in due course of time, the weathered products are transported by various agents.
            This process of erosion goes on the final result is the lowering of the elevation of the exposed surface nearest to the sea level or base level. Erosion can not occur beyond the base level.


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