Slope Forms and Process

 Theories Forms:

           A Slope is an inclined surface. The gradient of slope is determined by the amount of it's inclination from the horizontal and the length of slope is determined by the inclined distance between it's crest and it's foot.
            There are three types of slopes. These are -

(i). Concave Slope:

          This type slope is declined in steepness with movement downwards, so it is also known as waxing slope. Most often the concave elements occur at the base, where it is known as a basal concavity.

(ii). Straight Slope:

          It is the slopping element of a hill slope, located either in the middle of a slope profile or at the base of the free face.

(ii). Convex Slope:

         It is a slope element and sometimes an entire slope, which get progressively steeper downhill. Convexity in a slope may be determined by structure as on exfoliation domes. It associated with limestone and humid environments.


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